Third Annual Neighborhood Tree Planting – March 23, 2006


Volunteer Crews Load up New Trees and Supplies for Planting

Volunteer Crews Load up New Trees and Supplies for Planting

For the third year in a row, members of the RNA were vital in the success of West Vancouver’s tree planting efforts. The day began bright and early at 7:00am, with the plantings completed by early afternoon. Mariah Mickman, Neighborhood Trees Manager for Friends of Trees, organized the tree list. RNA members, including Carol Panfilio, John Felton, James Neigel, Paul Neigel, and Patrick Doncaster and Troy Harris of Hough Neighborhood Association took 111 trees and sorted them by neighborhood and by species, where they were then taken in individual pickups to the planting sites. Last year, volunteer crews planted 96 trees. The crews were made up of many citizen volunteers. It was a cooperative effort, neighbor helping neighbor — RNA helped organize the planting and delivery of trees, and delivery of mulch and stakes for the plantings throughout Rosemere, Shumway, Hough, Carter Park, and Arnada. Cub Scout Pack #326 helped on one crew; even a 2 1/2 year old boy was seen diligently shoveling soil to cover the roots of the newly planted trees.

The Sun Smiles on the Early Morning Staging Area

The Sun Smiles on the Early Morning Staging Area

Neighbor Kids Hard At Work Planting

Neighbor Kids Hard At Work Planting

Charles Ray, Ryan Durocher, and Nick Redmond of Urban Forestry- City of Vancouver were very helpful in educating volunteers and homeowners about the care of each tree. Urban Forestry has a 10 week program for residents to learn about Urban Trees and the environmental impact that trees have within the city.

Many hours were spent distributing fliers, contacting homeowners, and picking up orders by NeighborWoods Stewards Carol Panfilio and Troy Harris to make this planting a success. Charlene O’Day, James Neigel, and Carol Panfilio handed out Friends of Tree brochures and Urban Forestry-NeighborWoods information booth at the Uptown Village Street Festival which was a great way to get the word about the benefits of tree planting program.

On the day before the planting, the RNA met at the Friends of Trees headquarters to pick up stakes, twine, and other supplies in preparation for Saturday’s tree planting event. Two Penske rental trucks were used to load the bundled trees from large nurseries in Clackamas County. This year, Friends of Trees was able to secure a grant that was used to make the program more affordable — for $35, a residents watched as volunteers dug the planting holes, planted the trees with fresh mulch, and staked and roped each tree. Such a deal! Some residents purchased three or four trees to beautify the front of their homes.

Tools of the Planting Trade for the Crews

Tools of the Planting Trade for the Crews

Each Tree was Officially Tagged

Each Tree was Officially Tagged

Volunteers Place a New Tree

Volunteers Place a New Tree

John Felton coordinated the donation and delivery of mulch from Waste Connections at the West Vancouver Collection Center. The mulch is produced from collection of leaves throughout the city during the autumn months, where it is processed and transformed into a nutrient rich compost. This is an excellent example of recycling to help the environment, each new tree receiving about five gallons of mulch.

The First United Methodist Church graciously allowed the use of their facility again this year to set-up the staging area. Carol Panfilio arranged for the various community volunteers to register for planting crews and to enjoy the donated refreshments: Coffee by Starbucks, Bagels by Bean and Ellie’s Sunrise Bakery, Krispy Kreme donuts, and Scones by Main Street Bakery. We warmly thank these community sponsors for helping to make the day an enjoyable success! We hope to plant an even greater number of trees next year, and once again plan to surpass the number of plantings from East Vancouver as we did this year. GoWest Side!

So, when on your walk about the neighborhood, its easy to spot the newly planted trees. Just look for the bright green Friends of Trees signs and freshly dug earth — What a great thing for the environment!


A Whole Bunch of Trees Ready for Spring Planting!

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