Washington Governor Jay Inslee announced Thursday he is directing the WA Department of Ecology to draft new water quality regulations in order to comply with an order from the US Environmental Protection Agency.
In September, the EPA told the state it would issue federal rules on Washington’s water quality if the state did not act.
Inslee’s announcement prompts the WA agency to draft new rules in order to preserve its decision-making process and would allow the state to avoid further federal regulation of industry and local governments responsible for reducing water pollution.
Gov. Inslee explained:
“My goal all along has been to update Washington’s clean water rule with one that assures the health of Washington’s people, fish and economy,” Inslee said. “The number one thing I hear over and over when talking with people is how critical it is that we maintain control over creation of this rule to ensure that we’re protecting human health while providing businesses and local governments sensible tools to comply with the stricter standards.”
To view the entire press release, go to the governor’s website at http://www.governor.wa.gov/news-media/inslee-announces-new-path-water-quality-rule-continues-work-broader-toxics-reduction