OPB has published the results of their environmental news segment, EarthFix, water pollution survey.
Results show respondents ranked stormwater runoff as the greatest source of water pollution.
From OPB:
A new poll by Earthfix suggests growing awareness in the Northwest of some of the problems associated with nonpoint source pollution- the diffuse chemicals, bacteria, and sediment carried by rainfall and snowmelt moving downstream through a watershed.
Urban stormwater runoff beat out a number of other water pollution sources as a top concern in a poll commissioned by EarthFix and conducted by Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall (DHM Research).
The poll listed a number of sources of water pollution: industrial waste, agricultural chemicals, and sewage, among others.
When asked what the most significant source of water pollution was in their state, 25 percent of people in the Northwest chose the polluted runoff from roads and paved surfaces.
To read the full story go to: EarthFix Poll: Do NW Residents Care About Stormwater?
Survey results can be viewed or downloaded here: EarthFix CWA Survey 2012 PDF