• Media Correction: “Burnt by Pollution” – May 3, 2004

    From Rosemere Neighborhood Association

    Re: Article By Erik Robinson, Columbian Staff Writer
    “Burnt by pollution”
    April 29, 2004

    In this article, Mr. Robinson states “Leaking septic systems are a major source of microbial pollution — at least 12.7% of the total, according to a 1999 study commissioned by the City of Vancouver — but the study also laid the blame on Mother Nature.” This figure has been widely misrepresented by the City of Vancouver in an attempt to downplay the severity of contaminants that come from human waste. [Read More...]

  • RNA Advocates for Burnt Bridge Creek Water Quality Improvements – April 23, 2004

    The RNA met with Clark County Health Department officials in March to discuss how failing septic systems are contributing to the pollution of Burnt Bridge Creek (which feeds into Vancouver Lake). There are several homes in Rosemere that do not have access to City Sewer Service. Neighbors approached the RNA in 2001 to ask how they could get sewer service where there are no sewer mains. There are cesspools and aging sewer systems in Rosemere (and throughout Vancouver) that are not being properly maintained or inspected. Water quality tests indicate that effluent from failed septic tanks is polluting the creek and is also creating a public health risk. [Read More...]

  • Workshop on Septic Tanks and Private Wells – January 21, 2004

    Materials collected from workshop on Septic Tanks and Private Wells


    We attended a special workshop for homeowners on how to properly maintain septic systems and private wells on their property, how to prevent costly repairs, and how to protect drinking water from contamination. This workshop was presentd by the Washington State University Cooperative Extension and Clark County Health Department, and it was sponsored by Clark County Clean Water Program, and Clark Conservation District. [Read More...]

  • The Rosemere Neighborhood Association Pursues Water Quality Issues in Vancouver and Clark County – January 2004

    In a Columbian article (January 11, 2004, ‘Rosemere faces off with City Monday’), it says of Victor Erlich (Vancouver City Engineer), “Erlich said Rosemere’s reasoning in applying for the grant based on septic failure ‘is a mystery to us.’ We don’t find any evidence to support the claim that there are environmental health problems stemming from failing septic systems in the neighborhood.” If the City hasn’t found any problems, its because they haven’t been looking! [Read More...]

  • Rosemere Neighborhood Association Water Walk – December 7, 2003

    RNA Board Members, Rosemere residents, and concerned environmental activists gather in the rain to hear Thom McConathy explain the terrain and our community's failing stormwater and groundwater facilities.

    RNA Board Members, Rosemere residents, and concerned environmental activists gather in the rain to hear Thom McConathy explain the terrain and our community's failing stormwater and groundwater facilities.

    On December 7, 2003, the RNA Board, accompanied by environmental activists, toured the Burnt Bridge Creek Basin and Vancouver Lake to learn more about the contamination of our waterways. This tour was lead by Thom McConathy, a very active community steward who has passionately fought to save our ground and surface waterbodies for more than 20 years. Mr. McConathy is among our community’s most knowledgeable experts on the subjects of water quality and contamination, and he has been instrumental in helping the RNA address the contamination of Burnt Bridge Creek and Vancouver Lake, as discussed in the RNA’s federal Title 6 complaint.

    [Read More...]

  • Test Your Well Water! Monitor Your Septic Tanks! & Human Health Risks from Exposure to Contaminated Water!

    Information included in this article was taken from the following sources:

    The Rosemere Neighborhood Association, Vancouver, WA; Addy Labs, Vancouver WA;Thom McConathy, Clark County Natural Resource Council, Vancouver, WA; The Chlorine Chemistry Council 12 June 1997; Corpus Christi Times, July 19, 2002; University of Minnesota College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Services; The Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions; Is Our Water Safe to Drink? By J. Gorden Millichap, MD; San Francisco Chronicle Jan 5, 2003; The Water Quality and Health Council; the Clark County Health Department (Formerly the Southwest Washington Health District); The Washington State Department of Health; The Washington State Department of Ecology

    Private Wells

    Well water quality is just as important as quantity, but easier to overlook. There is rarely a clear signal when microorganisms, nitrates, pesticides or VOG’s (volatile organic compounds) contaminate well water. Yet these contaminates do make their way into private wells. Homeowners who choose the “blinders” approach, assuming that their well water is OK, are taking a gamble with their health. The potential risks are kidney and nervous system damage, intestinal illness, cancer and birth defects. According to a US Geological Survey, many wells in Clark County and Vancouver were tested and found to contain contaminates. [Read More...]

  • Minutes For Meeting With Vancouver City Officials on Burnt Bridge Creek Pollution Problems – July 24, 2003

    July 24, 2003
    4 – 6 PM

    Present: Brian Carlson, City of Vancouver Environmental Services
    Victor Ehrlich, City of Vancouver Environmental Services
    Brent Boger, City of Vancouver Attorney
    Lou Dooley, Clark County Health Department
    Randy Phillips, Clark County Health Department
    Monica Kirk, EPA
    Iloba Odum, Department of Ecology
    Dave Howard, Department of Ecology


    • This meeting was requested by EPA and Ecology to better understand a complaint from the Rosemere Neighborhood Association about possible septic tank pollution impacting Burnt Bridge Creek. [Read More...]

    The Rosemere Neighborhood Association acquired a number of official reports from Clark County Health Department that pertain specifically to Burnt Bridge Creek. Within one report it states that the city cannot enforce actions to eliminate septic systems unless the Health Department declares a health emergency. This cannot happen until a current water quality test is performed to quantify the allegation that the creek is contaminated with human waste from septic systems, and that the contamination is 25 times the state warning levels. [Read More...]


    The Rosemere Neighborhood Association, through a Freedom of Information Act request, has obtained a copy of a test called “Burnt Bridge Creek Microbial Source Tracking; Identification of Sources of Microbial Pollution in Burnt Bridge Creek Watershed,” dated October 1999. The RNA obtained a copy of this report through the Freedom of Information Act.

    TO SEE THE FULL REPORT CLICK HERE: Burnt Bridge Creek Microbial Source Tracking – October 1999

    [Read More...]

  • The Rosemere Neighborhood Association Pursues Water Quality Issues in Vancouver and Clark County – 2001

    In the summer of 2001, Rosemere residents complained to the RNA Board that they had no access to the City’s sanitary sewer service. They could not afford the expense of installing sewer mains for their entire street. They asked the RNA Board to find out what could be done to upgrade. [Read More...]

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